PC2022 Problem 3 – Intermediate results, week 1

The hint for Problem 1 will be published on 30th January 2022, 13:00 GMT .

By 23rd January 2022, 13:00 GMT, there are 1067 participants from 78 countries. 27 solutions to P1 were submitted, out of which 17 were correct.

Correct solutions by university students:

First nameSurnameCountrySchool/UniversityP3 date time
DD/MM/YY 00:00:00
AlessandroRezziItalyUniversity of Padova16/01/2022 15:54:00
Bayram AlpSahinTurkeyBogazici University16/01/2022 16:19:00
Zhening LiEddie ChenCanada/United StatesMassachusetts Institute of Technology16/01/2022 17:05:00
Ameya VikramaSinghIndiaIndian Institute of Technology Bombay18/01/2022 17:42:00
Yeswanth NarayanaPatnanaIndiaIndian institute of technology Madras20/01/2022 13:25:00
JaroslavHermanCzech RepublicCharles University21/01/2022 18:21:00
ErikSünderhaufGermanyTechnical University of Munich21/01/2022 19:03:00
ShofarSnoSurinameAnton de Kom University of Suriname21/01/2022 19:03:00
YuechenZhuChinaPeking University23/01/2022 06:58:00
QianLinChinaUniversity of Oxford23/01/2022 10:39:00

Correct solutions by pre-university students:

LucaMilaneseItalyLiceo “Leonardo da Vinci”, Terracina16/01/2022 16:01:00
Vlad-ȘtefanOrosRomania“Grigore Moisil” Theoretical High School16/01/2022 19:10:00
Balázs CsabaKovácsHungaryHatvani Bajza József Gimnázium19/01/2022 18:10:00
FilipVučićCroatiaI. gymnasium Zagreb19/01/2022 20:44:00
Ahmet BahadırTrabzonTurkeyKabatas Erkek High School21/01/2022 13:10:00
Emir AkdağKaan DereTurkeyBahcesehir Highschool of Science and Technology21/01/2022 14:48:00
ChengkaiYuChinaThe High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China23/01/2022 12:59:00

The list of countries:
Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgique, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam