PC2025 Problem 3 – intermediate results, week 5

As of January 25th, 1513 participants from 98 countries had registered. In total, 103 solutions were submitted for the third problem, 33 of which were correct.

Correct solutions by pre-university students:

First nameSurnameCountrySchoolP3 date time
DD/MM/YY 00:00
KanishkJainIndiaALLEN Kota22/12/24 14:17
TomasRazbadauskasLithuaniaKaunas University of Technology Gymnasium22/12/24 20:30
Kai WenTeoSingaporeRaffles Institution23/12/24 05:23
GrigoriiGrechkinSchool CPM23/12/24 21:36
OytunErTürkiyeKadıköy Anatolian Highschool24/12/24 10:57
EnejJaukSloveniaGimnazija Bežigrad25/12/24 23:03
AlpTerliksizTürkiyeEnka Science and Technology Highschool27/12/24 14:45
OwenZhouUnited StatesBasis Scottsdale29/12/24 19:26
DariusGraurMoldovaLiceul Teoretic Orizont29/12/24 23:31
AmritRajIndiaMaa Bharti Sr. Sec. School30/12/24 18:29
AlexandruBordeiMoldovaLT “Orizont” Durlesti31/12/24 23:12
SiddhaarthDharaniSingaporeNUS High School1/1/25 03:23
YisiLiuChinaThe First High School of Changsha5/1/25 04:08
Mert AndacKaranTürkiyeBahcesehir High School for Science and Technology5/1/25 06:36
SauryaShresthaNepalSt. Xavier’s College, Nepal5/1/25 10:24
ArtyomEryominLyceum №238/1/25 12:30
Kai XinChenChinaGuangDong ShiYan middle school – ShenZhen High school.11/1/25 15:37
PavelBulanovSchool #53313/1/25 20:04
AlexSecrieruMoldovaLT “Orizont”14/1/25 12:25
AntonTrubitsynLyceum №23919/1/25 19:07
JoshuaWangUnited StatesBrookfield Central High School25/1/25 04:38
AljažErmanSloveniaGimnazija Kranj25/1/25 20:49

Correct solutions by university students:

First nameSurnameCountryUniversityP3 date time
DD/MM/YY 00:00
IaroslavPozdniakMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology22/12/24 20:24
Emerson FranzuaAldana GavarreteHondurasUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras23/12/24 00:32
AbhiramCherukupalliUnited StatesCalifornia Institute of Technology23/12/24 06:16
DhruvShahIndiaMassachusetts Institute of Technology23/12/24 16:18
Ilan MiheljaIvan HegedićCroatiaUniversity of Zagreb, EPFL23/12/24 21:03
Hui XiangSimSingaporeNational University of Singapore24/12/24 08:41
EricWangUnited StatesMassachusetts Institute of Technology24/12/24 23:33
Adrian, Bruno, DanielSerrano Capatina, Pontecorvo, Gonzalez FilipovSwitzerlandÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne29/12/24 19:18
MarianHaritonMoldovaTechnical University Of Moldova2/1/25 13:31
ŠtěpánPlassCzech RepublicUniverzita Karlova2/1/25 17:00
Sifat AhmedTusharBangladeshUniversity of Dhaka11/1/25 12:07